Criminal Defense Attorney

If you face criminal charges in New Jersey, you do not have to do so alone. No matter the case, criminal defense attorney Ihab Ibrahim can defend your rights and help you achieve the best possible legal outcome.

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New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney

If you face criminal charges in New Jersey, you do not have to do so alone. No matter the case, criminal defense attorney Ihab Ibrahim can defend your rights and help you achieve the best possible legal outcome.

If you or someone in your family needs a criminal defense lawyer, schedule a consultation with our law firm in Jersey City, NJ.


Criminal Defense Practice Areas

Jersey City attorney Ihab Ibrahim represents men and women accused of:

  • Assault
  • Drug Offenses
  • DWI
  • Harassment
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Robbery, theft, or burglary
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Unlawful possession of a firearm


New Jersey Criminal Law

What You Should Know

Unlike other states, New Jersey does not use the terms "felony" or "misdemeanor." Instead, the equivalent of a felony is an "indictable crime," while the equivalent of a misdemeanor is a "disorderly person offense." There are also "petty disorderly person offenses," which are the least serious violations. The different levels of offenses carry different penalties:

  • Indictable Crimes: There are a wide variety of indictable crimes, ranging from fourth-degree crimes to first-degree crimes. First-degree crimes, including armed robbery and sexual assault, can be punished with up to 20 years in prison.
  • Disorderly Person Offenses: Examples of disorderly person offenses include simple assault and shoplifting. These can be punished with up to six months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines.
  • Petty Disorderly Person Offenses: Petty disorderly person offenses, such as disorderly conduct or trespassing, can be punished with up to 30 days in jail and up to $500 in fines.

Note that disorderly person offenses and petty disorderly person offenses are not technically considered crimes, so they do not involve a jury trial. Instead, people charged with these minor offenses appear before a judge, who will make a unilateral decision regarding their sentence. 

Men and women accused of any degree of crime have a right to a criminal defense lawyer. While the court can provide a public defender, your chances of success greatly increase if you work with an attorney like Ihab Ibrahim.



What Should I Do If I'm Arrested Or Charged With A Crime In New Jersey?

If you find yourself arrested or facing criminal charges in New Jersey, the paramount first step is to remain silent and avoid discussing any details of your case with the police without a lawyer by your side. It's important to remember that anything you say to law enforcement can and will be used against you in a court of law, potentially complicating your defense. Therefore, it's crucial to exercise your right to legal representation without delay by seeking out a seasoned criminal defense attorney like Ihab Ibrahim. Doing so at the earliest opportunity is vital.

Securing the services of an attorney like Ihab Ibrahim, who is well-versed in the intricacies of criminal law, can significantly impact the trajectory of your case. An experienced lawyer will not only navigate you through the complex legal system but will also ensure your rights are vigorously defended every step of the way. They will closely examine the details of your case, including the circumstances of your arrest, to identify any procedural errors or violations of your rights that could work in your favor.

Moreover, a skilled attorney will strategize the most effective defense approach, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome. This could range from getting the charges dismissed or reduced, negotiating a favorable plea deal, or representing you at trial with the goal of securing an acquittal. Throughout this process, your attorney will be your advocate, offering support and guidance during what is undoubtedly a challenging and stressful time.

Remember, the stakes in criminal proceedings are high, and the impact on your future can be significant. As such, enlisting the expertise of a qualified criminal defense attorney like Ihab Ibrahim at the onset of your case is not just advisable—it's imperative.


What Are My Rights During A Police Encounter In New Jersey?

During any police encounter in New Jersey, it's crucial to be aware of your rights to ensure they are respected and to safeguard your legal interests. Firstly, you have the right to remain silent. This is one of your most fundamental rights, protected by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, allowing you to decline answering questions from law enforcement without a lawyer present. Even if officers press for information, asserting this right cannot legally be held against you in court.

Additionally, you have the right to refuse consent to a search of your person, vehicle, or home unless the police have a warrant signed by a judge or specific circumstances justify a warrantless search. It’s important to communicate clearly and politely if you choose to exercise this right.

You also have the right to a phone call if you're arrested, which you can use to contact a lawyer or a family member. This step is critical, as it allows you to alert someone about your situation and seek legal representation.

Crucially, you have the right to legal representation. This means you can have an attorney present during questioning and throughout your legal proceedings. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you at no cost. However, given the complexities of criminal law and the potential consequences of a conviction, securing an experienced criminal defense attorney like Ihab Ibrahim can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Understanding and exercising these rights can significantly impact your situation when facing criminal charges. An attorney well-versed in New Jersey law, such as Ihab Ibrahim, can provide more detailed advice on navigating police encounters and protecting your legal rights.


What Are The Potential Consequences Of A Criminal Conviction In New Jersey?

The consequences of a criminal conviction in New Jersey can be profound and long-lasting, affecting various aspects of an individual's life. Beyond the immediate penalties of imprisonment, fines, and probation, a conviction can carry secondary repercussions that reverberate through your professional, personal, and social spheres.

Employment opportunities may become severely limited, as many employers are hesitant to hire individuals with a criminal record. Professional licenses could be at risk, impacting careers in fields such as healthcare, education, and law. Educational aspirations might also be affected, with some institutions denying admission or financial aid to those with convictions.

Socially and personally, the stigma associated with a criminal record can strain relationships with family, friends, and community members. Voting rights and firearm ownership permissions may be revoked, and for non-citizens, a conviction can lead to deportation or denial of naturalization.

Furthermore, the criminal justice system in New Jersey imposes additional penalties for specific crimes, such as mandatory driver's license suspension for drug-related offenses, registration as a sex offender for sexual crimes, and imposition of restraining orders for domestic violence cases. Each of these outcomes can significantly disrupt and alter the course of a person’s life, underscoring the critical importance of experienced legal representation in criminal matters.

Given these stakes, engaging a defense lawyer who understands the legal landscape of New Jersey, such as Ihab Ibrahim, can be instrumental in navigating the complexities of the law and mitigating the potential impacts of a conviction. A qualified lawyer will employ a comprehensive defense strategy tailored to your situation, with the goal of safeguarding your future and minimizing the negative consequences of the case.


Do I Need A Criminal Defense Attorney If I'm Innocent?

Absolutely, securing the services of a proficient criminal defense attorney is of paramount importance, even and especially if you believe you are innocent of the charges brought against you. The criminal justice system, with its complex and often rigid set of rules, can be notably unforgiving.

Innocent individuals, unfortunately, can and do find themselves on the wrong side of a conviction due to misunderstandings, mistaken identity, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. An attorney doesn't just represent you; they serve as a crucial shield against potential miscarriages of justice, wielding their expertise and advocacy to ensure that your narrative is thoroughly represented, and your legal rights are uncompromisingly defended.

Without the advantage of legal representation, you might not be fully cognizant of the intricate details of the law or the array of defenses that could be at your disposal, severely handicapping your ability to challenge the allegations or evidence the prosecution presents. Moreover, a skilled attorney brings more than just knowledge of law to the table; they are adept at investigating to unearth and present exculpatory evidence that can affirm your innocence.

They work diligently to negotiate with prosecutors to possibly dismiss or at least reduce the charges before the case goes to trial, and if a trial becomes inevitable, they stand ready to defend you vigorously before the court.

It's crucial to remember that the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a cornerstone of the American legal system, a principle that is easy to uphold in theory but often challenging in practice. This principle's actualization frequently hinges on the skillful representation provided by a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney, who can navigate the nuances of law and procedure to safeguard your rights effectively.

Given these realities, irrespective of how innocent you might perceive yourself, enlisting the services of a criminal defense attorney, such as Ihab Ibrahim, isn't just advisable; it's a critical move to protect your future and ensure the legal system treats you fairly. This action isn't just about fighting for acquittal; it's about affirming your rights within a system that, while striving for justice, is not infallible.


What Is The Difference Between A Misdemeanor And A Felony In New Jersey?

In New Jersey, the criminal justice system delineates between two primary categories of offenses: misdemeanors, known locally as disorderly persons offenses, and felonies, termed indictable offenses. Understanding the distinction between these two classifications is crucial, as the severity of the charge significantly influences the potential penalties, the nature of the legal proceedings, and the long-term implications of a conviction.

Disorderly persons offenses are considered less severe than indictable offenses and typically involve minor infractions, petty theft, simple assault, and other low-level crimes. Convictions for these offenses can result in penalties including fines up to $1,000, short-term jail sentences (typically up to six months), and mandatory community service. Despite their relatively lesser gravity, disorderly persons offenses still appear on criminal background checks and can impact one's life significantly.

Indictable offenses, on the other hand, encompass more serious crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and significant drug offenses. These crimes are further categorized into four degrees, with first-degree charges being the most severe, carrying penalties that can include life in prison and fines up to $200,000, depending on the crime's nature. The legal process for indictable offenses is more complex, involving grand jury proceedings to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to charge the accused formally.

Given the stark differences in legal repercussions and the complexity inherent in navigating the nuances of both types of offenses, the representation of a competent and experienced criminal defense attorney becomes indispensable.

A lawyer who is well-acquainted with New Jersey's legal system, such as Ihab Ibrahim, has the knowledge and experience to offer advice tailored to the specific circumstances of one's case, whether it involves a disorderly person’s offense or an indictable offense. Effective legal representation can significantly affect the outcome, potentially mitigating penalties, or achieving an acquittal, thereby protecting the accused's rights and future.


Can A Criminal Record Be Expunged In New Jersey?

In New Jersey, the possibility of expunging a criminal record offers a glimpse of hope for individuals seeking a fresh start, free from the long-lasting hindrances associated with past legal transgressions.

Expungement is a legal process that effectively "erases" a person's criminal record, rendering it inaccessible through standard background checks by employers, educational institutions, and housing authorities. This process, however, is governed by stringent criteria and is contingent upon the nature of the offense, the number of convictions, and the time elapsed since the offense or completion of the sentence.

The state categorizes offenses and outlines specific eligibility requirements for expungement. For instance, most indictable offenses (felonies) may be expunged after a certain period, provided the individual has not been convicted of any additional crimes during that interval.

The waiting period for expungement generally spans ten years from the date of conviction, completion of probation, or release from incarceration, whichever comes last, although in some cases, this period can be reduced to five years under the "early pathway" option, subject to specific conditions.

In contrast, disorderly persons offenses (misdemeanors) and municipal ordinances can often be expunged at an earlier juncture, typically after a five-year waiting period, assuming the applicant has maintained a clean record after the offense. New Jersey law also permits the expungement of multiple convictions under certain circumstances, provided they are closely related or occurred within a short timeframe, commonly referred to as the "crime spree" provision.

It's imperative to recognize that not all offenses are eligible for expungement; for example, serious crimes like homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, and others specified by law are not expungable. Additionally, the expungement process involves complex legal procedures, requiring the submission of detailed petitions and supporting documentation to the court, which then reviews the application against the statutory criteria.

Given these complexities, the assistance of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney is invaluable in navigating the expungement process. A skilled lawyer can offer comprehensive guidance on eligibility, prepare the necessary legal documentation, and advocate on behalf of the applicant during court proceedings.

Such professional representation augments the likelihood of a favorable outcome, facilitating an individual's ability to move forward without the burden of a past criminal record stifling opportunities for employment, education, and personal growth.


What Defenses Are Available In Criminal Cases In New Jersey?

In criminal cases in New Jersey, the defense strategies employed can vary widely depending on the nature of the charge, the evidence presented by the prosecution, and the specific circumstances surrounding the case. A robust defense is not only critical for contesting the charges but also for protecting the accused's constitutional rights throughout the legal process.

Among the most common defenses are claims of innocence, where the defendant unequivocally denies the allegations, backed by alibis or evidence that prove they were elsewhere when the crime occurred. Another prevalent approach is to challenge the legality of how evidence was obtained, arguing that it violated the defendant's Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures; if successful, this may result in evidence being excluded from consideration in court.

In instances where the defendant acknowledges the act but disputes criminal liability, defenses such as self-defense, defense of others, or defense of property may be invoked, particularly in cases involving charges of assault or homicide. These defenses assert that the defendant's actions were justified under the circumstances as a necessary response to prevent imminent harm to themselves or others.

Mental health defenses, including insanity or diminished capacity, are also leveraged in certain cases, pointing to the defendant's inability to understand the nature of their actions or distinguish right from wrong at the time of the offense. While such defenses are challenging to prove and rarely employed, they can significantly impact the case's outcome, potentially leading to acquittal or alternative sentencing options focused on treatment rather than punishment.

Each defense strategy entails intricate legal arguments and requires a deep understanding of criminal law and procedural nuances. For those facing criminal charges, enlisting the expertise of a seasoned criminal defense attorney is paramount. Such legal professionals can assess the specifics of a case, advise on the best course of action, and mount an effective defense, aiming to achieve the most favorable resolution possible, be it through negotiation, dismissal of charges, or acquittal at trial.


Can I Negotiate A Plea Deal In My Criminal Case In New Jersey?

Negotiating a plea deal, often referred to as plea bargaining, is a common practice in the criminal justice system of New Jersey, allowing a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a more lenient sentence or the dismissal of other charges.

This process offers several benefits, including reduced legal costs, shorter sentencing, and overall, a quicker resolution to the case. Plea negotiations are conducted between the defense attorney and the prosecutor, who must weigh the strengths and weaknesses of their case, the interests of justice, and the impact on the victim and the community.

To initiate a plea deal, the defense must engage in strategic discussions with the prosecutor, presenting arguments and evidence that could lead to a reduced charge or a recommendation for a lighter sentence. Factors such as the defendant's criminal history, the circumstances of the offense, and the defendant's willingness to accept responsibility play a pivotal role in the negotiation process. In some instances, the court may also be involved in the plea negotiation process, especially if it needs to approve the plea agreement.

It's essential for defendants considering a plea deal to understand the ramifications fully. While plea bargaining can lead to favorable outcomes, it also entails pleading guilty to a crime, which can have long-term consequences on employment, housing, and civil rights.

Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who can provide an informed assessment of the case, advise on the best course of action, and work to negotiate the most advantageous plea deal possible, ensuring that the defendant's rights are preserved, and their future is protected to the greatest extent.


What Should I Expect During A Criminal Trial In New Jersey?

A criminal trial in New Jersey unfolds in several stages, beginning with jury selection and culminating in a verdict. During the jury selection process, attorneys for both the defense and prosecution participate in vetting potential jurors through a process known as voir dire, aiming to assemble an impartial jury capable of evaluating the case on its merits alone. Following this, the trial officially commences with opening statements, where each side outlines its case and previews the evidence and arguments they intend to present.

The prosecution bears the burden of proof and goes first, calling witnesses and presenting physical evidence to build a case against the defendant. The defense follows, where it can also call witnesses and present evidence to dispute the prosecution's claims and support the defendant's innocence. Both sides can cross-examine witnesses, challenging their credibility and the validity of their testimony.

After both sides have presented their cases, they make closing arguments to summarize the evidence and persuade the jury in their favor. The jury then deliberates in private, weighing the evidence to decide whether the prosecution has met its burden of proving the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous decision, a hung jury is declared, which may lead to a retrial of the case.

If a verdict of guilty is returned, sentencing will follow later, during which the judge will determine the appropriate punishment based on statutory guidelines, the severity of the offense, and other mitigating or aggravating factors.

Throughout the trial process, the defendant's rights to a fair trial, representation, and due process are paramount, with any violations posing grounds for appeal. Given the complexities involved, the guidance and advocacy of a seasoned criminal defense attorney are critical to navigating the trial process effectively.


How Long Will My Criminal Case Take To Resolve In New Jersey?

The duration of a criminal case in New Jersey varies widely depending on several factors, including the case's complexity, the charges involved, and the court's caseload. Generally, cases might be resolved in a matter of months for straightforward matters or extend over years if the case is particularly complex or involves serious charges.

Preliminary proceedings such as arraignments, pre-trial hearings, and motions can significantly impact the timeline, as can negotiations for plea bargains, which may shorten the duration if an agreement is reached early on.

Furthermore, the discovery process, during which both the defense and prosecution exchange information and evidence pertinent to the case, also plays a crucial role in determining the case's length. Delays can occur if there are substantial amounts of evidence to review or if there are challenges to the admissibility of certain pieces of evidence.

Trial duration is another consideration. A trial may last a few days in straightforward cases but can extend over several weeks or even months for complex cases involving numerous witnesses and extensive evidence. After a verdict is reached, if the outcome is a conviction, sentencing usually occurs within 90 days, adding to the case's total duration.

It is also important to note that any appeals filed post-conviction can prolong the resolution of the case even further, possibly adding years to the criminal justice process. Appeals involve a thorough review of the trial's procedures and rulings to identify any errors that may have affected the verdict, necessitating a comprehensive examination of the court transcript and all related legal briefs.

Given these variables, it is imperative for individuals facing criminal charges to seek the counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney. An attorney can offer a realistic timeline based on the specifics of the case and the current court schedules, providing guidance through each stage of the criminal justice process while working diligently to resolve the case as efficiently as possible.

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"Ihab along with his office staff have been really helpful with my case. I highly recommend using them. He is definitely worth it, he gets the job done, he is Definitely a man of his word which is hard to find. Will keep him in my contacts!"

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Questions About Your  Legal Case?

Our goal is clear - To defend you and your family!
Are you facing criminal charges?
Are you thinking about getting a divorce?
Are you staring at a pile of unpaid traffic tickets?
Do you need to protect your business and your assets?

How does the probate process work in New Jersey, and can it be avoided?

The probate process in New Jersey involves the official proving of a will and the administration of the deceased's estate under court supervision. This process includes validating the deceased's will, appointing an executor, inventorying the deceased's assets, settling debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining property as directed by the will. Probate can be time-consuming and costly but can be avoided or minimized through proper estate planning strategies. One common method to avoid probate in New Jersey is by establishing a Trust, as assets held in a Trust are not subject to the probate process.

What documents are essential for a comprehensive estate plan in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, a comprehensive estate plan should include several key documents to ensure your wishes are honored both during your lifetime and after your passing. These documents generally include a Will, which dictates the distribution of your assets; a Power of Attorney, which appoints someone to make financial decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated; an Advance Health Care Directive, also known as a Living Will, which sets forth your wishes for medical treatment in situations where you cannot make decisions for yourself; and a Trust, if applicable, to manage your assets according to your specifications, potentially avoiding probate.

How can a business law attorney assist with contract disputes in New Jersey?

A business law attorney plays an instrumental role in resolving contract disputes in New Jersey by providing expert legal guidance and representation. They can help by thoroughly reviewing the disputed contract to identify breaches and understand the obligations and rights of all parties involved. Attorneys strategize the best course of action, whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation, to resolve the dispute efficiently and favorably. Their expertise ensures that any resolution complies with state laws and that the business's interests are protected, minimizing potential financial losses and preserving professional relationships.

What are the primary legal considerations for starting a business in New Jersey?

When starting a business in New Jersey, several legal considerations must be taken into account to ensure the venture's compliance and success. Firstly, selecting the right business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company) is fundamental, as it affects taxation, liability, and operational flexibility. Entrepreneurs must also comply with state-specific regulations, including obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, adhering to employment laws if hiring employees, and ensuring proper tax registration and filings. Intellectual property protection and drafting clear contracts for services, partnerships, or customer agreements are also crucial to safeguard the business's interests.

What is the process for obtaining a divorce in New Jersey?

To initiate a divorce in New Jersey, one must file a Complaint for Divorce with the Superior Court in the county where either spouse resides. The state allows for both fault-based and no-fault divorces, with the latter requiring that the couple has experienced irreconcilable differences for at least six months. After filing, the complaint must be served to the other spouse, giving them the opportunity to respond. The process involves several stages including discovery, negotiation for a settlement, and, if necessary, trial. New Jersey promotes mediation and arbitration as alternatives to trial, offering a more amicable and quicker resolution. The duration of the divorce process largely depends on the complexity of the case and the couple’s ability to reach agreements on key issues such as property division, alimony, child support, and custody.

How is child custody determined in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, child custody decisions are primarily based on the best interests of the child. The courts consider several factors to ascertain what arrangement will most favorably serve the child's physical, emotional, mental, and educational well-being. These factors include, but are not limited to, the parents’ ability to agree, communicate, and cooperate in matters relating to the child; the needs of the child; the stability of the home environment; any history of domestic violence; and the child’s preference if they are of sufficient age and capacity to reason. New Jersey does not automatically favor joint custody arrangements, but the courts recognize the benefits of having both parents involved in the child's life.

How can I choose the right criminal defense attorney in New Jersey?

Choosing the right criminal defense attorney in New Jersey involves several critical considerations to ensure effective representation. First, look for an attorney with extensive experience in dealing with the type of criminal charges you are facing. Expertise in New Jersey’s legal landscape is crucial, as state-specific laws and procedures can significantly impact your case's outcome. Additionally, evaluate their track record of success in similar cases, which can offer insights into their competence and strategy effectiveness. Communication is also key; ensure that the attorney you select is responsive, clear, and willing to explain complex legal concepts in understandable terms. Finally, assess their professional reputation among peers and clients, as this reflects their standing in the legal community and commitment to ethical practice.

What should I do first if I am arrested in New Jersey?

If you find yourself arrested in New Jersey, your first step should be to assert your right to silence. Politely yet firmly, state your desire to consult with a lawyer. It's imperative that you refrain from giving any statements or engaging in conversations with the police beyond providing your basic identification details, unless you have legal counsel present. Securing legal representation early on can profoundly influence your case's outcome. Your lawyer will navigate you through the judicial process, safeguard your rights, and immediately start devising a defense strategy.

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We have the experience and the skilled litigators to win your case. Contact us and speak with a real attorney who can help you.

Jersey City Office
910 Bergen Ave. Suite 203
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Paterson Office
970 Main St. Suite 3
Paterson, NJ 07503
East Brunswick Office
63 W. Prospect St. Suite 4
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
*Meeting Location, By Appointment Only